For even better sales - Spread the Word
Fundraising Tips: Spread the Word!
Have an online Garage-Sale, Fundraiser or Charity store with GarageSaleIt, then spread the word!
The more you share it, the more people that will come to your online sale and the more people will be aware of it! That means more buyers for your items!
Share your micro-link store and use the hashtags below through Facebook and Instagram to your family and friends and help spread the word about your sale. The more people that visit your store or sale, the more items you will sell – it’s all about working together to get as many people using the platform as quickly as possible.
Use Hashtags
Share on Facebook
Use your unique micro-store link to send friends and family and your social network directly to your GarageSaleIt Store!
The more you let people know - the better for you!
Share on Instagram
Share your special items on Instagram and direct your followers to your GarageSaleIt Store to increase awareness and sales!